RTO# 91759 (02) 6040 0167

Trim and cut felled trees

COURSE OVERVIEW – This unit describes the outcomes required to trim and cut felled trees with a chainsaw and to complete operator maintenance. It applies to situations where the production of timber is not the primary focus of the activity. The unit applies to forestry worker, chainsaw operator, forest harvester, harvesting technician, arboriculture worker. Licensing, legislative, regulatory, or certification requirements apply to this unit in some states & territories at the time of publication, and may differ according to jurisdiction.
THEORY ASSESSMENT – This section should be initially assessed by the workplace Trainer/Assessor to identify any training gaps. Any incorrect responses must be retrained and the assessment questions completed satisfactorily prior to commencing the informal training. If the Student has literacy difficulties, the Trainer/Assessor may conduct the assessment verbally and write in the answers. This adjustment must be recorded on the assessment tool. The Trainer/Assessor conducting the final practical assessment must check through the theory assessment prior to commencing the practical component.

PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT  – assessment must be conducted on site using real work whenever possible. It may be necessary to simulate some activities. If the Student breeches any safety requirements, the assessment must be stopped. The Trainer/Assessor will explain the safety breech and schedule re-assessment. This must be recorded on the assessment tool.
The Trainer/Assessor must see the Student demonstrate all of the activities and tick the box for either satisfactory or not satisfactory. Any ticks in the not satisfactory section will mean the Student is not yet competent. The details of all assessment activities must be recorded in the final section of the assessment tool.

IF NOT COMPETENT – If the Student is determined as not competent, he/she will need to return under the supervision of a Trainer/Assessor until ready for re-assessment. Level of supervision will be discussed between the Trainer/Assessor.